if we go on vacation so do our birbs

if we go on vacation so do our birbs

my girlfriend and i are on vacation and we dressed our birbs to match hehe 💕 i love theming their outfits and houses to match what we’re up to ⭐

"> my girlfriend and i are on vacation and we dressed our birbs to match hehe 💕 i love theming their outfits and houses to match what we’re up to ⭐

The feeling of not having enough time to finish all your tasks is real! Well, with monday.com’s work management platform, get more done in less time with automations, real-time communication, and notifications. Smash that done button! Try now.

The feeling of not having enough time to finish all your tasks is real! Well, with monday.com’s work management platform, get more done in less time with automations, real-time communication, and notifications. Smash that done button! Try now.

Chances of getting match as a non us img in IM with 3 ivs ?

Match 2025

I'm really upset about events. Can you help?

I love events, trust me this isn't a rant but it always upset me that the last two maps are basically locked unless you have certain emojis with 4th being hardest of all. I'm pretty new so I don't really have a chance to meet it's requirements which makes me really sad when I can't get to the end. Do you guys have any tricks or advice to surpass this?

Accused of faking disability by a friend despite being diagnosed

I feel gutted that this has happened. To put it mildly, I met this friend online and we hit it off immediately. Me and her would talk often and I genuinely thought she was a sweetheart until I opened my eyes. In our conversations, she was aware of my cognitive challenges and would purposefully get mad if I didn’t answer quickly enough. On bad days she would call me insults and berate my self worth. I was always forgiving because I truly valued our friendship. I got diagnosed with autism and adhd not so long ago. She was one of the first people to know about it and her reaction shocked me. She went on a long rant about how she believes I’m lying so she would be more soft on me and later on claims that she has a psychologist friend who says they officially diagnosed me with bipolar disorder? My first reaction was WTF? What psychologist tries to diagnose people online who they never met in person or know anything about? The audacity for this friend to try so hard on discrediting my actual AuDHD diagnosis shocked me. I asked who this supposed psychologist was but no answer. I later showed her my diagnosis document with my personal information censored and it wasn’t enough for her. She kept demanding I show her the censored parts where my personal information was at. I’m someone who always listens to my gut feelings. Mine was telling me I shouldn’t due to that woman already showing to be aggressive. This led to our friendship breaking apart.

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Would you wish for more BG3 animations?

Would you wish for more BG3 animations?

Trying to decide if I should continue, because I feel like not many like this art style

Behold the Hearts of the Sparring Partners (Part B) (@ibeabuchiikemefula777)

If you guys had to pick a character from another Universe in Dragon Ball to be added, who would you pick?

For me, it'd probably be Hit or Toppo. I love playing them in Sparking Zero and Xenoverse, I feel like I'd love playing them in ABA

You don't own a character.

I really don't understand why if two people play the same character in a match it becomes a contest between them. With the winner usually dissing the loser. Newsflash you don't own that character and you aren't the only person who can use them. This complaint mainly stems from dealing with a lot of people who have main character syndrome, and the only way to make them feel better about themselves is to make someone else's day worse. So the real question is why is there so much negativity in this game with no real Grace when you lose or Honor when you win. Actual sports will have you shake the other teams hand at the end as a sign of respect, but online games generally ooze toxicity. There is no good sportsmanship at all. I'm starting to considering dropping Competitive games like this altogether simply because nobody can behave. Just because the person you are harassing isn't directly in front of you doesn't mean it is morally correct. If you're the type of person to start Trash Talking I genuinely want to know who hurt you? And why do you feel the need to take it out on everyone else? And why are you helping create yet another toxic gaming community? Idk I'm just tired of dealing with jerks who ultimately ruin a fun game...

FS Let me know what you’re interested in!

Introducing Celebration Key in Grand Bahama, a paradise you'll want to lose yourself in.

Introducing Celebration Key in Grand Bahama, a paradise you'll want to lose yourself in.

Firmware upgrade 1.02 —> 1.04

Do I do the firmware upgrade or not?

Imagine a character like him working in D.H.O.R.K.S.

Sweet or Sour?

About 40% of hired crop farmworkers are not legally authorized to work in the US. Should these workers be deported, or given authorized status? Are US citizens interested in taking on this kind of labor? What impact would deporting over a million farmworkers have on the agriculture sector?

St. Gabriel of Imereti. On the Church

**St. Gabriel of Imereti** *St. Gabriel of Imereti* *was a nineteenth-century Holy Hierarch of the Georgian Orthodox Church. He generously distributed alms to widows, orphans, and all in need; he clothed the naked and buried beggars, having mercy upon the least of the brethren. St. Gabriel was born on November 15, 1825, and reposed in the Lord on January 25, 1896.* ![img](vvt347o85dhe1 "Photo: I.Tkachenko / Pravoslavie.ru    ") Whoever isn’t in the bosom of the Church isn’t a Christian, because he can’t receive the grace of Jesus Christ. How does the Church grant the grace of Jesus Christ? First through Baptism, then through the teaching and preaching of the Gospel, through the Holy Scriptures; but the main thing is that the Church not only brings us into communion with the grace of Jesus Christ, but also unites us with Him in the Communion of His Flesh and Blood. The Church never leaves you alone, orphaned. In joy or sorrow, it guides us with prayer, consolation, and teaching. If we fall into sin, the Church doesn’t reject us, but accepts us as a guilty child, and if we repent, it grants forgiveness in the name of the Savior Jesus Christ. When you depart this life, the Church again leads the way and prays to the Lord for mercy for your soul. And finally, if you’re forgotten by all your loved ones, the Church won’t forget you then either, for it remembers the deceased at every service and fervently prays for the blessed repose of all who have died. In a word, from birth to our very death, the Church, like a true mother, takes care of you and tries to raise you as a true believer. The Church brings us together, teaching love and unity. This world, with its earthly affairs and cares, divides men, distances them from one another, and often turns them into enemies; but the Church, on the contrary, brings us closer, inspiring mutual love and respect. In the Church, we’re all one—the same prayers are offered for all and the same divine service is offered for all; we’re baptized in the same font and we commune from the same chalice. And we must be faithful and obedient to the Church. The Church is our mother, for it gave birth to us from the holy baptismal font and nourishes us spiritually in the Sacraments. But we should remember that the Church only benefits and gives the light of its teaching and salvation to those who hear its call and follow it. It’s only in the Church that the Word of God and His teaching are fully heard; only the Church is the house of the Lord on earth—there the bloodless sacrifice and prayers and hymns are offered. It’s precisely in the Church that a man should seek solace and draw strength, power, and fortitude. Blessed is he who is firmly attached to the Church, goes to church often, and always yearns for it with all his heart and soul. Such a man is full of the grace of God and never tires of praising the Lord. In church, the heart and soul of such a man are calm and peaceful, but in the world, on the contrary, they’re agitated and worried. The Church is a comfort to the sorrowing and an inspiration for performing various good deeds; it enlightens and spiritually nurtures men, teaching them to have great love for their neighbors, for all that is pure and holy, and to give thanks for everything in a single accord, praising our Heavenly Father and Creator. ***To be continued
*** St. Gabriel of Imereti Translation by Jesse Dominick Pravoslavie.ru

prenatal paternity / paternitylab.com

i recently got a prenatal paternity test through paternitylab.com and my results came back 0% with the alleged father. the first day of my last period was September 9th, my cycle was 24 days long. i had sex with partner A on september 13th. (this is the partner i took the prenatal test with and got negative results) i had sex with partner B on september 16, 18, and 19 my first ultrasound was on november 5th and it measured to be 8 weeks and 1 day i had another ultrasound on november 7th and it measured to be 8 weeks and 1 day as well are the paternity test results likely accurate? has anyone else tested with paternity labs.com and gotten an accurate 0% result?

Deathbringer help

Are there any lists and if not can somebody tell me what areas are worth farming both for bones and ribcages (idk the name)?

Who should play what role in a potential Live-Action movie adaptation of Strike Witches? Natasha Liu Bordizzo is a maybe for Mio Sakamoto - now the search continues for a candidate for Fuso's homegirl ace Yoshika Miyafuji. Who should she be played by in Live-Action? No Repeat Choices.

Distorcer AparĂȘncia e AlteraçÔes de NEX

o ritual "Distorcer AparĂȘncia" afeta as alteraçÔes de NEX? por exemplo, alguĂ©m com as alteraçÔes de NEX 99 poderia voltar a aparecer um ser humano normal sob efeito do ritual?

Denji probably will agree to have sex with Yoru

They've spent **ALL** this fucking time hammering home how Denji is always thinking with his dick and that this is a major problem for him which he needs to break free from. But every time he almost makes any progress, he doubles down on it again and continues making the same mistakes. One step forward two steps back. But the thing is, Denji's horniness has yet to have any kind of tangible consequences. The worst thing that's happened because of this so far is that he humiliated himself in front Fumiko and Yoru. People point to Nayuta's death as an example, but while Denji definitely could have handled the end of the Church arc better. Nayuta's death clearly wasn't his fault either. Here though, Denji having sex with Yoru **would** have consequences. Denji would essentially be disregarding Asa's bodily autonomy to satisfy his own urges. It's, well, rape in actual, literal sense. Yoru and Denji are *Asa's* body to have sex without considering Asa's input. Even if it doesn't actually end up happening because Asa takes control out of fear, even Denji *agreeing* to it would shatter any kind of bond these two have built up. Obviously I **completely** understand why people don't want this to happen. but I think it probably will.

Posted a question about foglights but users wanted to see more of it.

![img](bhp8nca9adhe1) ![img](g8b7fb4badhe1)

AI App Creator — Tell Replit Agent your app idea & it will build it for you automatically.

AI App Creator — Tell Replit Agent your app idea & it will build it for you automatically.

Got lucky with Insanity

How Do I Clean Cooling Fan Qnap QSW-M2106-4C?

I began hearing buzzing noise from my 10Gigabit Qnap QSW-M2106-4C, opened 5 screws on the bottom of the unit but the to plastic casing will not come off. Here's the video. https://youtu.be/y-mEqgS-VWI?si=66kEli9lR6oZMlxr Any ideas?


This is the content of the new reddit post.